Orland Unified School District

STAR Testing Resources

1. STAR Testing - Resources to help your students succeed on STAR test.
Every Spring students at Orland Unified School District in grades two through eleven participate in the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program. STAR is designed as an assessment tool to measure students knowledge and skills that are identified in the California content standards. The STAR assesses knowledge in English-language arts, mathematics, history-social studies and science. The data collected from STAR is used to determine academic achievement of California's students and helps educators to evaluate their educational practices as well as see a more complete picture of their students. All students are encouraged and needed to participate in STAR testing to help provide our school with the most complete information possible.

2. When does STAR testing take place?
STAR testing takes place between April 5 - 15, 2011 & make-up between April 25 - 29, 2011.  STAR testing typically happen in the morning & parents are encouraged to have their well rested students to school on time. Contacts your student's school to specific testing schedules.

3. STAR Test prep packets
Click here to access STAR 2010-11 Test Prep Materials
These prep materials are organized by grade level and subject area. They contain actual questions from previous STAR tests. Students can use these questions to practice prior to STAR testing. A few each day is a good way to prepare: answer key is located at the end of the packet.

STAR Testing tips

5. STAR Testing FAQ