Orland Unified School District

Information literacy refers to the "ability to access, evaluate, and use information from a variety of sources" (Doyle, 1995). All computer and technology skills fit into this definition. We know from research that when computer/technology skills are taught within the framework of information literacy skills, students achieve more (Todd, 1995; Eisenberg and Small, 1993; Eisenberg and Berkowitz, 1998).

Furthermore, integrating technology skills into information literacy skills "shifts the emphasis from knowing information to using information" (Pappas, 1993).

Finally, research shows us that when subject matter content is attached to the framework of information literacy, the most effective learning takes place.
Information Literacy Frameworks

Information Literacy Frameworks iconInformation Literacy Frameworkstitle

Below are links to information literacy and technology frameworks, as well as specific research links used in creating our schools' information literacy and computer skills plans.