Orland Unified School District

(530) 865-1200

Please click here for Staff Development information.
Common Core State Standards

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OUSD is embracing the Common Core Standards.
Educational standards describe what students should know and be able to do in each subject in each grade. Since 2010, 45 states, including California have adopted the same standards for English and math. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards helps all students get a good education, even if they change schools or move to a different state. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the standards to prepare students for success in college and the workplace.
Please see the following videos for a brief overview of the standards.
OUSD has been providing professional development for teachers regarding the CCSS extensively since October of 2012.OUSD teachers worked together to create and execute four major phases of professional development and collaboration related to our CCSS initiative. These phases included: Orientation, Instructional Practices, Alignment and Assessment. OUSD teachers have begun the implementation of Common Core standards in their classrooms this year, rather than waiting until the state testing becomes mandatory.
Please check in with your school site's principal for specific information on what the OUSD CCSS Initiative looks like at your student's school!
Additional information on the CCSS can be found on the following links:
District & State Standards

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District standards are based on content standards designed by the California Department of Education to encourage the highest achievement of every student, by defining the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level.

Click here to view Content Standards.
District & State Curriculum Framework

District & State Curriculum Framework iconDistrict & State Curriculum Frameworktitle

Curriculum frameworks are the blueprints for implementing the content standards adopted by the State Board of Education.

Click here to view the frameworks for major instructional subject areas.
Williams v. State of California

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All of our instructional materials meet the requirements of Williams v. State of California, a landmark 2004 Superior Court case to provide all students equal access to instructional materials, safe schools, and quality teachers.

For more information on Williams v. State of California, please click here.