Orland Unified School District

State and Federal Law ensures that "all individuals with exceptional needs have available to them a free, appropriate public education and related services to meet their unique needs." When a child is being assessed for possible special education needs, an Individualized Education Program Team (IEPT) shall be convened. Parents are an integral part of that team.

Special Education Office

903 South Street
Orland, CA 95963
Phone: (530) 865-1200 Ext. 1017
Fax: (530) 865-1202
For special education records, please contact:
Director of Student Services
Molly Fiorella-Nye
Click HERE to Email
School Psychologists
Anne Marie Halsey: Mill Street Elementary (TK-2) / 865-1240 & Fairview Elementary (3-5) / 865-1235  EMAIL 
Patricia Inzunza: CK Price Middle School (6-8) / 865-1225 & Orland High School (9-12) / 865-1210  EMAIL 
Speech Pathologists
Leslie Jurado 865-1240 
Courtney Tamagni 865-1235 EMAIL 
See Also...

See Also... iconSee Also...title

For more information, please contact JENNIFER COX, Director of Student Supports, at 865-1200 extension: 1017

<div>SELPA</div> icon

The Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) provides special education services in cooperation with the school districts. The SELPA continues to ensure that eligible children, birth through age twenty-one, with handicaps have the opportunity to participate in programs and receive appropriate special education services. Programs and services are available for eligible pupils from infancy through age 21.
Link to Glenn County Office of Education SELPA Local Plan - click here
Student Study Team (SST)

Student Study Team (SST) iconStudent Study Team (SST)title

The school site Student Study Team  discusses and recommends intervention strategies using regular school resources and personnel. The team may coordinate assessment referrals for students whose needs cannot be met with modification of the regular program. The SST may refer a student to special education only after all resources of regular education have been considered and, where appropriate, utilized.
Referral and Identification

Referral and Identification iconReferral and Identificationtitle

Referrals for identification of a child with possible special needs may come from:
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Doctors
  • Community Agency Personnel
  • School-based Student Study or Child Study Team
  • Any concerned individual
  • The child

Assessment iconAssessmenttitle

Assessment will be done only with parent permission at which time parents will also receive a copy of their  rights. Upon identification of a special need for a child, the IEP Team shall consider appropriate services and placement.

Arrangements will be made to have a child's strengths and possible needs evaluated. This will be done through testing and conferences held among those who have worked with the child: teachers, nurses, counselors, therapists, psychologists and others. The assessment must be completed and an IEP meeting held within 50 days after receipt of a signed assessment plan.
Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Individualized Education Program (IEP) iconIndividualized Education Program (IEP)title

If the parent and the school agree that the child has a disability and requires special education services, an Individualized Education Program will be designed to meet the child's needs. This will take place at a meeting attended by parents and the school personnel and may include others as appropriate.

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed during the planning meeting if it is determined that special education is needed. The following is a partial list of what the Education Code calls for in an IEP:
  • A summary of the assessment findings, including your child's strengths as well as needs.
  • A statement of goals and objectives, which the group suggests for your child.
  • A list of specific services that will be used to find out how well the plan is working (evaluation).
  • A recommendation for placement.
  • The starting date and frequency of services.
IEP Planning Meeting

IEP Planning Meeting iconIEP Planning Meetingtitle

Parents are invited to an IEP meeting with appropriate district staff and , if necessary,  personnel from Glenn County Office of Education, the SELPA and/or other agencies. Parents may also bring other persons of their own choosing. The following are some tips on how  parents can best participate:

Come Prepared. Jot down any questions you want answered or any suggestions you wish to make regarding educational objectives, health, transportation, schedules, and special information concerning your child's needs and strengths.

Do Not Be Reluctant to Ask Questions. If the professionals use such words as "20/60 vision," "50th percentile," "WISC-R," "Key Math," or any other terms you do not understand, please ask for an explanation.
Parent Consent

Parent Consent iconParent Consenttitle

Parent consent is also required before the IEP can be put into effect. If parents are uncertain at the end of the meeting as to whether they want the plan to go into effect, they may decline to sign it. They may take it home and think about it if you wish. Those components of the plan that are approved will be implemented. Parents have other rights if they disagree with the discussion of the group. County or district personnel will answer any questions about those rights.
Parents' Rights

Parents' Rights iconParents' Rightstitle

Parents are notified of all of their rights annually and at various stages within the special education process. Staffs from the District, County Office of Education or SELPA are available to answer questions and provide assistance.

To view the Special Education Rights of Parents and Children document in your language, click a link below:
IEP Review

IEP Review iconIEP Reviewtitle

At least once a year there will be a meeting to review the plan to determine if the plan is still appropriate or if it needs to be changed. Parents may also request a review as necessary.