Orland Unified School District offers employees opportunities to improve their professional skills and increase their effectiveness through a variety of staff development programs. . OUSD surveys teachers during the year to see how to plan for the next school year. OUSD offers teachers 2 days of professional development before the beginning of each school year along with 3-4 afternoons throughout the year. In addition to this, teachers can work with their site principal and request to attend conferences throughout the school year.
In 2020-21 here is what OUSD offered teachers:
All teachers had the opportunity to attend the three full days of professional development in August along with having additional time for Distance Learning in the month of August. During the full length days teachers could choose sessions based on their need, interest and subject. Breakout session focused on resources for successful Distance Learning, increasing student academic talk, English Learner needs and strategies, increasing technology use in the classroom, learning more about Social Emotional Learning and supports we can provide in the classroom, along with core content supports.
In addition to this, teachers were given an additional 35 hours to prepare for Distance Learning. Teachers participated in a survey so we could have sessions specifically around their needs. There were various sessions put on by local teachers and the Glenn County Office of Education. Most of these focused on: Setting up Google Classroom, How to use Google Slides, Form, Bitmoji, Peardeck, Go Guardian, Aeries Communication, Screencastify, and Kahoot, and How to record lessons for Asynchronous sessions.
OUSD also has 7 "Banking" days throughout the school year to continue to provide learning opportunities for teachers. The teachers requested some more professional development so the District Banking Day became a floating day in October and teachers once again could choose from various options to best meet their needs.
We also have different focus team groups in the district and many of them planned to attend conferences to deepen their knowledge and gain more usefully strategies to share with their school sites. However, Due to COVID many of these options have become virtual and teachers are getting burned out on these types of training opportunities. The District will continue to support attendance for those who want to participate though.
Site specific PD:
Mil and FV continue to offer support to teachers in iReady reading and Math and Istation.
CK teachers who use Read 180 and Math 180 had PD on how to best implement.these programs.